Having left it to mature a bit, like a good wine or whiskey, I have very much enjoyed re-reading some of my posts from that recent field trip. The blog was left abandoned for some time since, it didn’t documented my return to my beloved land of cacti and volcanoes, with the emergency landing on neighbouring island, it didn’t witness my helmet-less skiing, and it hans’t seen my first experiments with Go-Pro. Time of the big travels is to be resurrected again. Having won some modest travel awards, I am planning to head off to my most beloved Colombia and Mexico for an extensive period of few months next year. But before that, time to witness the changing reality of Cuba. And it’s an interesting moment to visit the island: the strict rules of the regime are loosening almost day by day, and Cubans slowly start to have an access to what we call a ‘normal life’ (by the way – who makes the norms? Eurocentrism was always quite annoying and problematic concept for me, but let’s leave it for another time). Just few days passed from the death of one of the greatest writers of past century, and as we all know, Gabriel Garcia Marquez had a very controversial romance with Cuba. It will be an interesting experience to see Cuba in transition, to feel Cuba’s reactions and  -let’s not be shy to admit that – feel the Caribbean sunshine on my face.  After pretty turbulent 2013, I am ready to go again. I will keep you posted. Image